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In the Russian-speaking community of Vancouver...

RadioVera provides a dynamic platform that engages audiences with politically and socially oriented content, spanning Canadian politics, current events, and our diverse community. Through insightful discussions and vibrant shows, we aspire to be a trusted voice that resonates, informs, and unites.

Radio Vera About Us

Our Team

Dmitry Shiglik – Founder & Co-Owner

Dmitry Shchiglik, an American businessman renowned for his dynamic presence in the Russian-Jewish community, plays a pivotal role at Radio Vera as both a financial donor and co-owner. His influence extends beyond the realm of broadcasting; he is also the President of the American Forum of Russian Speaking Jewry, where he actively engages in cultural and community initiatives. Additionally, as a delegate representing the World Yisrael Beytenu Movement, Dmitry exemplifies leadership and commitment to the international Russian-Jewish community, blending his business acumen with a deep dedication to cultural and social causes. His contributions to Radio Vera underscore his passion for connecting and enriching communities through media and dialogue.

Alexandra Gerson

Alexandra Gerson - Founder & Co-Owner, Producer

Alexandra Gerson, a prominent figure in the world of journalism, was born in St. Petersburg, in the former USSR, and has lived in Israel, enriching her cultural and professional experiences. In 2001, she played a pivotal role in the establishment of Radio Vera, where she has since flourished as a producer and host. Her work at Radio Vera, combined with her deep understanding of diverse cultures, has earned her acclaim as an award-winning journalist. Her contributions to the field are distinguished by her unique blend of international insight and a commitment to impactful storytelling.

Alex Kivritsky – Radio VERA CEO

Alex Kivritsky stands at the forefront of the broadcasting industry as the CEO and benefactor of Radio Vera, where his leadership and support have been instrumental in shaping the station's success. His entrepreneurial spirit extends beyond broadcasting; he is also the founder and creator of HIFI Center Vancouver, a testament to his innovative approach in the business world. His dual role as a donor and chief executive at Radio Vera reflects his deep commitment to the media landscape, ensuring that the station not only thrives as a hub of communication but also serves as a beacon of community engagement and cultural enrichment.


Konstantin S - Radio VERA Host

Since joining Radio Vera in 2016, our host and producer, a Brandeis University graduate with a focus on History and Political Science, has significantly shaped the station's discourse. Originating from Moscow, he co-founded the Jewish Alt Right, reflecting his engagement with a broad spectrum of political thought, from Revisionist Zionism to libertarianism. His participation in Berkeley and Portland protests, resisting ANTIFA's activities, highlights his proactive approach to discussing and questioning prevailing political dynamics.

Denis Manzar – Radio VERA Host

Denis Manzar, a multifaceted media professional, joined Radio Vera in 2016, where he co-hosts a show with Alexandra Gerson and contributes as a producer. His extensive background in the entertainment industry includes directing and producing a variety of content, ranging from short films to TV shows. His notable works include "Privet Vancouver" (2011-2013) at YANA TV, "I am an Expert" (2012-2014) at SHAW TV, and the films "Sister" (2019) on Youku Network, "The Boat" (2015), and "Rhapsody Inspiration" (2016). His talent has been recognized at international film festivals, where he has been both a winner and nominee, showcasing his skill and creativity in the world of film and television.

Alex Step – Head of Media

Alex Step joined Radio Vera in 2022, bringing with him a multifaceted skill set as a cinematographer, video editor, and media coordinator. His expertise in visual storytelling and media production has significantly enhanced the station's content, offering a dynamic and engaging experience for listeners and viewers alike. As a media coordinator, Alex's ability to seamlessly integrate various elements of production ensures that Radio Vera's broadcasts are not only informative but also visually compelling. His role at the station reflects a commitment to elevating the quality and reach of their media output, effectively combining the power of audio and visual elements to captivate a diverse audience.

Bryan Pogree – Web Developer

Bryan Pogree joined the team at Radio Vera in 2023, bringing with him a rich blend of skills as a web developer, marketer, and content manager. His expertise in web development and digital marketing has been instrumental in enhancing the online presence and outreach of the station. As a content manager, Bryan plays a crucial role in curating and organizing media, ensuring that the content not only aligns with the station's ethos but also engages and grows its audience. 

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